Would you beleive it.... today I took my three boys to Asda to buy some washing powder and a few other essensials for the rest of the weekend...chocolate, wine nibbles etc..........after a short walk around the car park looking for a double trolley I decided that before I lost all feeling in my arm that I would ask a member of staff to find one for me ( carrying a one yr old, holding the hand of a two yr old who is in turn holding the hand of a four yr old, trying to dodge cars, trolleys and other manic shoppers..not easy). I found a 'trolley man' who advised that he would find one for me...after 10 mins of waiting and the boys nagging me for the lastest Thomas The Tank magazine he returned to say that the store only has one double seated trolley and that was being used PLUS that it is unusual to find one person looking after three such small children.....well the cheek.....make me feel like a freak of nature...... Please put me right if I am wrong but I would think that most people venturing into Asda on a sat afternoon even if they only had two small ones would want them in a trolley to avoid being A battered by other shoppers and B getting lost..... So we swiftly went to our local Sainsburys where I parked in an oversided mother and babay space and had the pick of no less than 14 double seated trolleys.... well you know where I will be going next week don't you....
Well to top it all I am still getting over the trauma of having a tooth out yesturday... give me child birth any day, in fact I gave birth to Mason quicker than it took to remove this tooth... I can not say that it is painfull but that horrible taste of money which I presume is my mouth bleding is starting me make me feel slightly nausious.......hope it will be better tomorrow..
One nice thing, my husband has played football at Bodmin today and is coming home with the other team members on the train, so I have had full control of the TV remote, no one talking through X factor and with anyluck I will be snug as a bug in my bed by the time he roles in and feels the need to tell me about the highs and lows of the ever so interesting match...not....what an awfullwife I am...
Cup of Twinings calling now so ta ta for now....
Bring in the Spring
Now that we have entered March, (can't believe it's here already!). I've
been thinking more about the garden. I took myself off to the local nursery
4 months ago
Oh I do hate the dentist. I hope your mouth feels better soon. What a cheeky blighter in ASDA, no wonder you were cross. glad you got a better service at sainsburys, and hope you know relaxing with that much derserved glass of wine.
How awful......silly so and so....fancy them only having one....huh!!!!
Having a tooth pulled is dreadful....i had one dragged out a while back.....it will be some time b4 i'm brave enough to go again....:>(((
Hope your getting a chilled evening now?
So a bit of a stressful day all round, eh?
Wish my hubby would go and play footy so that I could have total control of the remote!! ;-)
How very rude! How on earth do they only have one in the whole shop? Madness.
Youch about the tooth!
how annoying for you - thats Asda for you though unfortunatley - you stick with Sainsburys :-)
i still get a slightly sick feeling when i remember having a tooth out a while ago - hope its improving !
Lesley x
Christmas swap time....c blog!x
Your in.....! LOL...its very exciting!
I'm child free now.....having a sit down....phew...tired outxxx
Hope I get you to swop with Melmel.......
Only joking anyone will br lovely...
Hope the tooth is feeling better. I have nightmares about having teeth out - too many bad experiences as a child!
I'm not surprised at your Asda experience. I used to shop at Asda because of the good prices but it was always a nightmare. Nobody ever respected the parent and child parking spaces and as the car park was on a hill it was awful trying to push a full trolley plus baby back to your car. I tried home delivery too but I never had a correct order. I gave up in the end.
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