Well in comparison to the rest of the country we have got off lightly but we have today had a rather down pour of snow, much to the delight of the boys.....
I have to say I do become a bit of a child when there is snow on the ground, on the way back from collecting H from school I could not resist launching a rather small but rather big at the same time snow ball at him......much to the disgust of sone other passing mothers......so silly and so immature........
We now have a rather strange looking snowman on the front grass expertly built by the boys and my husband after tea.....
I could not help but post a pic of the new knifes, forks and spoons that I bought on ebay for the boys.....
They do brighten up breakfast........
By the way the pots having been lovingly painted by J and H........a master piece I have to say....
I hope you all enjoy this snow safely and like responsible....but very fun....adults...xxxxx
Bring in the Spring
Now that we have entered March, (can't believe it's here already!). I've
been thinking more about the garden. I took myself off to the local nursery
3 months ago
Our snow didn't really come untill tonight so we're hoping it will still be here in the morning.
Your new header looks great!
Take care
Beki xxx
Unlike many bloggers,we have not got much to show in the way of snow,have we?!!
Hope you are well ;-)
Cute painted pots!
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